Meet the Artist

Meet the Artist

Hi there! I'm Brooke, and this is my space where I share my artwork. I hope you find a piece that resonates with you!

I grew up in Northern Utah, with all of its natural beauty. I began to love art from a young age, and found joy in creating a hobby out of it. While my main beginning experience was with pencil and sketching, I pursued different art classes throughout my school years, including drawing, watercolors, acrylics, and ceramics. (The latter is not my strong suit!) I also found an interest in printmaking during my higher education at Utah State University. I graduated there with a Bachelors of Science in Sociology and a minor in Art.

My husband, two boys (the second one due soon), and I now live in Western Idaho. They are some of my greatest supports, and I don't know what I would do without them! We have been lucky enough to live in beautiful places, including Utah, Arizona, Idaho, and Illinois, as well as travel to some amazing spots in the world. These experiences and destinations are some of what inspires my work.

My favorite subjects to paint are landscapes. I love the significance that a certain landscape can hold, and the imperfections that come together to make a perfect view. This "perfectly imperfect" principle is why I love drawing inspiration from nature, which can also be found in my linocut work. 

Browse my website to find something that you love, stay a while, and let me create something beautiful for you. I'm happy you're here! 


- Brooke


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